So why does it take regular contact with your past clients to get referrals? Maybe its because they're PAST clients! I have a friend Dave Elliott who has this problem.

Dave is a Peak Performance Coach who specializes in rapid transformation. He helps people overcome the fears, insecurities and other self destructive behaviors that prevent them from having the fullest success possible in their personal & professional lives.

But he does it so quickly that often after just six to eight sessions people have achieved the results they were looking for and moved on!

What happens next? Well Dave is then out of sight & out of mind. What Dave needs to do is make sure each of his past (and very happy) clients gets an email from him at least once a week.

You see it often takes 7 to 9 (depending on who's talking) positive impressions for people to take action, but people only remember 25% of all marketing that is directed at them.

That means Dave might have to send out at least 28 to 36 emails to his list of past clients to start getting referrals.

But Dave isn't lazy. So what would happen if Dave regularly reached out to some of his past clients by phone and during the conversation happens to mention that he's looking for more clients just like them?

You can be sure that he would start getting client referrals in weeks and not months! You can do the same thing. Call and check up on your past (happy) clients and ask them for referrals of people just like them!

For information on Dave Elliott and his amazing coaching program go to

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